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Dr. Murphy Advocates Holistic Approaches for Runners with Stress Fractures

Runners with stress fractures: Dr. Murphy advocates a holistic approach.

San Diego is full of athletes, and nothing brings a workout regimen to a halt like an invasive surgery.

Murphy SportsMedicine is committed to keeping you active, so we prefer to take holistic approaches as often as possible.

After performing an in office X-ray and diagnosing a stress fracture, there are a few additional factors we consider.

First, we look at our patients full body alignment, assessing why the pain is occurring.

Most often the pain's origin comes from a malalignment, specifically in the ankles, knees, and hips.

If our patient has an alignment issue, we often advocate the use of orthotics.

In addition, we discuss dietary history and potential improvements.

The following are the 3 major holistic tips Dr. Murphy provides his stress fracture patients.

  1. For active athletes, increase your protein consumption to 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of patients body weight.
  2. Improve your diet with more calcium rich green veggies like: asparagus, broccoli, kale, and spinach.
  3. Take 2,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day. Make sure to get a blood test in 3 months to monitor your vitamin D levels.

The next time you're feeling acute pain while or after running, don't ignore it.

We encourage you to come into our office for an evaluation and see what preventative treatments are available for you.

Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Murphy. Get an X-ray or MRI, and be proactive in your athletic endeavors.

Call (858)-657-0000 today!

Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram @MurphySportsMedicine

Dr. Paul C. Murphy MD Sports Medicine Physician

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